About Us

About M-SEC

We protect you against the theft of labor in the world of production.

What We Do?

Combining its experienced technical and legal staff with state-of-the-art software, M-SEC quickly detects the sources and / or persons who infringe the copyrights of your content and intervenes quickly with its on techniques working. Following the latest methods used by hackers, the
M-SEC team eliminates all kinds of tricks with their experience, protects your content and your pocket.

Combining advanced technology software with manual tracking and intervention, M-SEC primarily identifies content that infringes your copyright on different platforms. Thereafter, resources and people related to the identified content are identified. The last step is to contact these resources and people directly to ensure that your illegal content is unpublished. At this point, the experienced and effective legal staff of
M-SEC significantly increases the percentage of success.

Why Choose Us?

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